Friday, June 19, 2015

White Porcelain Tiles Cleaning at Premises in Aylesbury

This commercial unit in Aylesbury had white porcelain tiles laid in the lavatory and reception areas several years ago and had been assured they would be easy to clean, yet over the years they had deteriorated leaving an unsightly grey staining throughout and were now in need of a thorough deep clean.

Cleaning White Porcelain Tiles

A mixture of Tile Doctor Pro-Clean combined with NanoTech UltraClean impregnating cleaner products was spread evenly across the tiles and worked into the floor using a rotary scrubbing machine set on slow speed. We went on to work the floor in this manner to lift the soling followed by black stripping pads on a 150rpm rotary machine. When we were satisfied that the ingrained dirt had been lifted from the porcelain tile we used our van mounted pressure cleaning system to wash away the dirt from the floor, this system has been a great investment for us and uses heat and high pressure to clean and clear away the grime back to the recovery tanks in the van.

We allowed the floor to dry overnight and returned the next day to scrub along the stained grout lines and return them to their original color using a strong mix of Tile Doctor Grout clean-up and with this solution rescrubbed the areas using our rotary machines and with a complete final clean and rinse buffed the tiles to a high shine.