The process was quite straight forward which involved soaking the driveway first with Tile Doctor Pro-Clean, it's an all-around cleaner that is equally effective on Patios as well as Tile, Grout and Stone; being an alkaline cleaner it has the added advantage that it doesn't cause damage to the surface that typical acid cleaners can.
The Pro-Clean was left to seep on the patio for a good hour before scrubbing it in with a stiff brush and following up with a high pressure professional jet washing machine which did a great job dislodging the grime that had built up on the surface over time. You can see from the photographs what a difference it made.
Pressure washing can dislodge the grout joints so once we were done cleaning the floor the gaps between the tiles was filled in kiln dried sand.
I think you will agree the patio looks good as new.