Sunday, June 7, 2015

Cleaned and Sealed Quarry Tiled Floor in Great Ouseburn

The aforementioned Quarry tiled floor was in the hallway of a residence in Great Ouseburn near York, the tiles were in a dreadful state with plaster, carpet glue and what appeared to be one hundred years of dirt. We’re often being asked to restore old tiled floors that have been hidden under carpet since the 1970 when tastes changes and this one seemed no different.

Cleaning Hallway Quarry Tiles

To deal with the glue the floor was covered with, a dilution of Tile Doctor Remove and Go which was left to dwell on the floor for an hour to soften before being scrapped off with a paint scrapper. I should mention Remove and Go is a powerful coatings remover which is safe to use on tile and stone. Once contented that all traces of the glue had been removed the floor was washed down with clean water and the solution was removed using a wet vacuum.

The plaster was then dealt with using Tile Doctor Grout Clean-Up which is an Acid based product that we normally use for removing grout smears from tiles however it works just as well with plaster and can also remove mineral deposits and rust stains. You have to be quick with an acid on tile though as prolonged exposure can damage the tile, once done the tiles were washed down again.

The next step was to scrub the whole floor using a rotary machine fitted with a black scrubbing pad and a strong one to one dilution of Tile Doctor Pro-Clean to ensure we have removed all the dirt and grime for the tile, again once done the floor was rinsed with clean water to neutralize the tile before sealing. The wet vacuum was used again to remove the soiled cleaning solution and reduce the drying time of the floor.

Sealing Hallway Quarry Tiles

We dropped by the following day to seal the floor which we did using four coats of Tile Doctor Seal and Go which will provide protection going forward and also leaves a beautiful satin finish on the surface of the tile. The clients were very surprised and happy with the results, it's a great bonus when you exceed a customer's expectations.