Thursday, March 31, 2016

Is Laminate Flooring for Stairs a Good Choice?

Among contemporary flooring options, laminate flooring stairs are becoming increasingly popular. Laminated flooring is prepared by blending various materials like concrete, melamine and insulating fibers. The ease-of-preparing laminated stairs can be understood by comparing the following aspects.


Laminate flooring is being increasingly retailed in the form of self-installation kits. This negates the need to employ professional help—a major cost-saving. The installation requires basic household supplies like measuring tape, retailed adhesive and surface-cleansing chemicals.


Every laminate retailer has a different set of recommended tools and adhesives. Many times the installation kit proves inadequate. If the sub-floor has tiles or a finished concrete surface it needs to be cleaned with special chemicals that need to be bought separately. The laminates need to cut precisely along the stair’s edges to ensure there is no overhanging laminate panel. Once the laminate is fixed on the sub-floor, it needs to be pressed uniformly. Failure to do so allows air bubbles to seep within the adhesive causing layering among laminated surfaces.

Durability & Maintenance

Most contemporary laminate flooring varieties are extremely sturdy. The dependence upon using glue or nails to lay the flooring has decreased considerably. Unlike wood-panel flooring, laminates don’t need extensive finishing with chemicals. Modern versions of laminated flooring use a grid-locking system that guarantees years of use without issues like surface cracking. Unlike concrete flooring, laminated stairs don’t retain moisture and don’t react with household chemicals. This makes laminated stairs a more durable flooring option.

Safety Issues

Most laminate flooring stairs are a bit slippery. This issue can be resolved by using high-quality laminates with certified ratings. If the stairs are located in high-traffic areas of the house, you can use textured laminate flooring. Textured laminates offer a rougher, less slippery surface and are retailed as ‘abrasive laminates’.