Thursday, March 17, 2016

Glueless Laminate Flooring: Benefits and Drawbacks Explained

Glueless laminade flooring is laminate flooring that can be installed without using glue. Instead, they hold together using grooves and edges that are built into their design. This makes it much easier to install and replace. It has a number of other advantages and disadvantages. Some apply to all types laminate flooring while others are unique to the glueless flooring.
Benifits of Glueless Laminate Flooring
The most notable advantage of glueless laminate flooring is the ease of installation. Some models are easier to install than others, but so long as the instructions are carefully followed, the installation is achievable. Other advantages include:
  • affordability  – Glueless laminate flooring is less expensive than other types of flooring. Furthermore, because it does not require any glue, the installation costs are significantly reduced
  • aesthetics – Glueless laminate flooring comes in a wide variety of designs and color schemes, allowing them to fit an equally wide variety of room designs and dĂ©cors. And while they may be less expensive than other types of flooring, the high-quality examples of this type look anything but cheap.
  • durability – as with other types of laminate flooring, glueless laminate flooring is highly resistant to impact and scratches.
  • maintenance – glueless laminate flooring does not require waxing or polishing: it can be cleaned using a damp cloth or the mechanized mopping devices such as the Swiffer.
Having said that, glueless laminate flooring does have some drawbacks.
  • Lack of long-term durability – While glueless laminate flooring is resistant to impact and damage, it wears out quicker on the long run. The non-laminated flooring can endure for over a hundred years, and it can be kept in its original condition through repairs. The laminate flooring, on the other hand, is hard to repair and impossible to sand and refinish. Even if the damage is minimal, it usually doesn’t last more than 20 years. 
  • Vulnerability to moisture – glueless laminate flooring is vulnerable to moisture, especially compared to other types of flooring. Even if it water doesn’t damage the flooring itself, it can seep through the flooring and damage the materials beneath.
  • Diminished real estate values – Because glueless laminate flooring is a product of the more contemporary technology, houses that have it are seen as less valuable then houses with older flooring types.  This is true even if the house itself is several decades old – laminate flooring detracts from its historic authenticity, which makes it less valuable.
  • Traction issues – Glueless laminate flooring tend to be more slippery than other types of flooring. There has been an effort to reduce this problem, and some of the more recent models reflect that, but the overall trend remains.