Monday, March 7, 2016

9 Essential Laminate Flooring Tools

Chances are you already may have most, if not all of the laminate flooring tools you need to install or repair your laminate flooring. But if you are considering a flooring project, here’s a list of the most basic ones you’ll need to get it done right. Any tools on the list that you don’t have can also likely be rented for a lot less money than an outright purchase, if this is a one-off project.

Pry Bars

A good solid pry bar or flat bar is a good tool to have for many different types of household repairs. For laminate flooring, it’s used to remove decorative trim and molding from around the room.


Another good tool to always have. A level will help you ensure that you lay the floor evenly. Houses aren’t perfect, and it’s often possible to be working with an area that just isn’t straight. The level will help you spot these areas before you lay down a potential eyesore.


You will need both a flat head and a phillip’s head screwdriver for installing or repairing any flooring. You can wedge a flat head under trim to loosen it, and if you have any trim that’s been attached with screws, the phillip’s head will aide you in removing those.

Miter Box

Chances are if you are installing laminate flooring you will need to cut corners and angles at some point. A miter box will help you create the angles without making mistakes. Miter boxes are another great tool to have in your home or tool shed for other repairs as well.

Belt Sander
A belt sander can come in handy for sanding down the sub-flooring. Even though laminate flooring is considered a floating floor, meaning it can be installed on top of any type of sub-floor, it’s best to have a smooth, even surface.


Your home will actually react to the conditions and weather. Age and temperature can make walls expand and retract. Spacers are necessary for installing laminate flooring to account for these subtle fluctuations, because they allow expansion around the walls and other immovable objects.

Tapping Block

While a tapping block is not necessary to complete the project, it’s certainly useful. It's a tool designed to fit over the plank and allow you to tighten joints with gentle tapping. Without a tapping block, you may struggle to get the tongues of the planks to snap in correctly and with ease.

Installation Straps and Clamps

If you’ve purchased a kit, chances are that it has included these items, which are only needed if you use glue or other adhesive to hold the planks down. The clamps will keep the rows from shifting or moving while you install the flooring. The straps do the same thing, extending across the floor to keep everything tight and snug. They also help to prevent any shifting from occurring during installation.

Pencil or China Marker

While you are installing your floor you will be taking measurements throughout. You need to be able to mark holes and lines. China markers are non-permanent, so the lines can be cleaned up easily after installation. The same applies to pencils.
