Monday, August 27, 2018

3 Best Flooring Options for Screened Porches

Screened in porches are a great addition to many homes. They provide a nice compromise by providing what is still very much an outdoor space, while still offering some protection from the elements that can save you a lot of effort in maintenance and cleaning.

Since porches with screens are such a unique blend of inside and outside, it's important that you choose the proper flooring material when building your porch. You'll need a floor that, much like the porch itself, can stand up to the elements while still being cozy and visually attractive enough to make for a pleasing space.

Here are a few different flooring options to consider.

1. Indoor/Outdoor Carpet

One of the most popular types of flooring for a screened porch is indoor/outdoor carpeting. Indoor/outdoor carpets are soft and absorb noise. They are short and compact, and they come in a variety of styles and patterns.

When you select a carpet for your porch, you should make sure that it is meant for both indoor and outdoor use. Carpets that are good for outdoor use are made to resist UV rays and are better able to handle moisture. If you put a regular piece of carpet out there, it will fade quickly and possibly develop mold and mildew.

Indoor/outdoor carpets are constructed with that versatility in mind and are easier to clean than regular carpets are.

2. Porcelain Tile

Using porcelain tile is another popular option for a screened porch. With porcelain tile, you can create a beautiful, customized look for the floor. It comes in a variety of colors, styles, and sizes. Porcelain tile is more dense than normal ceramic tile and therefore will not absorb as much moisture, making it the perfect candidate for outdoor use.If you were to select ceramic tile, it could absorb water and become susceptible to breaking into pieces when it freezes. With porcelain tile, you can avoid this problem and keep your floor looking good.

If you are installing porcelain tile on top of a pre-existing wood porch, you want to make sure to use concrete board beneath the tile rather than install the tile directly onto the wood sub floor, which is not strong enough to fully support the tile and will crack.
3. Wooden Deck Tiles

Another product that has rapidly grown in popularity is wooden deck tiles. Wooden deck tiles are little slats of wood that are held together by a plastic track. The track helps hold the wood up off of the ground and allows moisture to drain through. This is a small but key feature, as encouraging good drainage helps prevent mold and rot from occurring, both of which are common concerns with regular wood decks.

Wooden deck tiles are specially treated to be durable and resistant to moisture and UV rays. They do not scratch or dent easily and can provide you with a beautiful natural wood look for your screened porch floor.

Installing wooden deck tiles is easy too. The track below the wood has a locking mechanism that allows you to hook it into the next tile. Therefore, the only tool that you will need is a saw to cut the tile to fit the dimensions of the porch.