Monday, October 15, 2012

The Best Ways to Insulate a Floor

by Andrew Latham, Demand Media

Insulating your floors will reduce the energy costs of heating and cooling your home and increase its resale value. A well-insulated home is also easier to sell because lower utility costs are an attractive selling point for buyers. The best type or method of insulating your floor depends on how much insulation you need, how accessible the area you need to insulate is, and the availability and cost of insulation materials. You should also consider your climate and the methods you use to heat and cool your home when deciding which insulation to choose.

Rigid Foam

Rigid foam, also called foam board, provides a high insulating value to floors and ceilings. It is especially suitable for new-builds and areas without obstacles and a regular substructure. Rigid foam is made of polystyrene or polyurethane, both flammable materials, so you must cover it with half an inch of gypsum board or some other approved fire-resistant material to meet fire-safety standards.


Loose-fill insulation is a good choice when accessibility is an issue. It is not a do-it-yourself project because you will need specialized equipment and training. Loose-fill is usually made of fiberglass, cellulose or rock wool and is blown or poured into an area. This allows you to use it in attic floors, around obstacles and in retrofits where it is difficult to install rigid forms of insulation.

Rolls and Batts

Rolls and batts of insulation are an easy method to install insulation in floors. The rolls are made of fiberglass, mineral wool and natural fibers and are designed to fit the standard spacing between studs and joists. This method is suitable for do-it-yourself projects.

Reflective Systems

Reflective systems are made of aluminum foils with such materials as plastic film, cardboard or polyethylene bubbles as backing. Reflective systems are well-suited for floors because they are designed to reduce downward heat loss. Reflective systems are easy to install. If the area you need to insulate has obstructions, you can use the bubble-form reflective system, which is much more flexible and can be applied to irregular areas.
