Friday, August 9, 2024

Stripping Wood Floors With Natural Products

Stripping wood floors with natural products is possible. While it can be more difficult to find these products, they are becoming more popular and accessible as time goes on and people become more passionate about the environment. While it may be difficult, here are a few materials that you need, as well as steps to help guide you.

What You'll Need:

  • Natural wood stripper
  •  Recycled rag
  •  Natural wood cleaner
  •  Outdoor area or ventilation
  •  Scraper
  •  Sander
  •  Paint brush
  •  Goggles
  •  Gloves

Find a Natural Stripper

Finding a natural stripper will be the hardest part of this job. While they are becoming more available in department and hardware stores, you can definitely find them on the internet. There are a few wood strippers with a citric stripper in them that are natural and great for the environment and worker, but also effective. Since you need to order it online though, make sure you do this long before you need the project to be finished.


Be sure to use safety goggles and gloves from here through the completion of this project. Sanding the wood is important to get any rough spots, stains, and dirt off. Use a rag and water to wipe down the area first and then allow it to dry completely. You can use a hand sander to keep electricity out of the mix if you wish. This may take longer, but it much more eco-friendly.

Strip Wood

You can apply a thick and even layer of stripper onto the wood using a paintbrush or rag. Check the label to see how long the stripper needs to sit there before being taken off. Typically it is anywhere from five minutes to 25. Natural strippers will often take longer to sit and work in because they do not have strong stripping chemicals in them. Be patient and keep in mind you may need to do this several times.

Scrape off Stripper

After you have allowed the stripper to sit for several minutes or the allotted time, take a scraper and begin to scrape the wood. You will want to start in one corner and just work your way to the other end. You can usually get a lot off in the first try. However, usually, you will need to repeat this twice or more. If that is the case, remove everything you can and then wipe it down with water again. Reapply a thick layer of stripper to the spots that need it and then allow to sit again. Use a scraper and repeat until finished.

Clean Area

Using a recycled rag and the natural cleaner, be sure to wipe down the wood completely to make sure you have gotten all of the stripper cleaned off.

Once you are finished, allow the wood to dry and sit for a few days before treating it.