Tuesday, May 21, 2024

How to Fix Squeaky Laminate Floors

 No one likes to walk on a floor that squeaks. This can be an annoying problem that will take some time and patience to fix. Squeaky laminate floors simply mean that part of the floor is not firmly secured. When weight is put upon the floorboards, they simply move against each other. If you wish to fix this problem, here is what you need to do:

What You'll Need:

  • Screw driver bit
  •  Power drill
  •  Chalk or tape
  •  Galvanized wood screws
  •  Wax putty
  •  Plastic knife

Location Of The Squeaks

You must first begin by locating the exact points where the squeaking is coming from. Walk slowly over the floors of your home, and listen for the squeaking sound. Take the chalk, and mark the spots where the squeaking is coming from. You may also use dark tape to do this step. You may have to walk the entire house, but if you are determined to stop the squeaks, this step must be done. Be sure that the chalk is easy to be removed, once you have fixed the squeak in each spot.

Drilling Holes Into The Problem Floor

Using your power drill, you will need to drill holes at each point where there is chalk or tape mark. Avoid drilling on any marks on the seam between two floorboards. Instead, you will drill on the side of the spot that is marked. Be sure to do this process on all of the marks on the floor. After this, place the screwdriver bit in your drill. Take the wood screws and drive them into every hole. Make sure that the wood screws are driven straight down, and their heads are slightly below the surface of the wood.

This is a very important step, and it must be done properly. You don't want to take this step for granted since it will be even more time-consuming to repeat this. You are almost done at this point, and you will notice a slight improvement in the sound of your floor. After this is done, put away your power drill and the rest of your wood screws. You have almost completed the task.

Bonding The Squeak That Haunts Your Floor

When you are done with everything else, take your plastic knife, and scoop up a little putty with it. Take the knife and press the putty into every hole. Be sure to do this process throughout the house where there was a problem. Make sure that the putty has a very tight grip, and that there is a little mound of putty over every hole. After this, use the flat front edge of the knife to cut off the mound, making the putty flat. Finally, you will buff the putty with a cotton cloth to remove the excess. In a matter of time, you will no longer have a squeaky floor that is causing your house stress.