Sunday, January 24, 2021

Installing Ceramic Tile on Metal Surfaces

As long as you have a rigid hard substrate, installing ceramic tile on metal surfaces is no different than installing it on concrete. Using a fortified thinset adhesive will do the trick plus eliminate any need for a concrete backerboard. It is a fairly easy do-it-yourself job that can be accomplished successfully following some simple to use instructions. Adding ceramic tile to say, a metal floor, can produce a greater control for creating a decorative design that will enhance the beauty of your home while increasing its value.

What you’ll need

  1. Ceramic tile
  2. Fortified thinset
  3. Trowel
  4. Tile spacers
  5. Grout
  6. Grout float
  7. Tile and grout sealer

Step 1 – Select Your Tile

The amount of ceramic tile available in today’s building construction industry is staggering, sometimes overwhelming. There’s not enough time to examine all that is available. However, use the Internet to do your search starting with the elements that appeal to you, like color and type of pattern. Write down the name and manufacturer of each tile you do like making sure they are available locally. Once you’ve narrowed your search down to a number that can easily be handled – say five or six – make a visit to the home improvement center or building supply store where these are available. Check the tile out in person to make sure the color that attracted you when viewing online is the color you find in the showroom. If possible, buy a single sample tile of each you like to bring these home to eye them in the environment where you will install the ceramic tile floor.

Step 2 –Measure Carefully

Take accurate measurements of the square footage in the area where you will install the ceramic tile floor. Use these measurements with the help of your home improvement center or building supply store professional to determine the amount of supplies to get the job done successfully. Always allow about a 10 to 15 percent overrun for mistakes and unforeseen needs for extra material.

Step 3 – Clean the Area

Makes sure the entire metal surface is clean from any dirt, oil, grease and other residue. The tile adhesive will not bond properly unless the surface area is perfectly clean.

Step 4 – Apply Adhesive

Working in 15 square foot segments, apply adhesive to the metal surface area using a trowel. Spread enough in your segmented work area that will allow you to finish that spot in less than 10 minutes. Place the tile into the adhesive using firm exertion in a circular type motion to ensure a proper bond. Place spacers to create a straight grout line. Allow for a 24-hour dry time.

Step 5 – Grout the Surface

After proper drying time, remove the spacers. Mix the grout in a 5-gallon container to the consistency of peanut butter. Using a grout float spread the grout forcing it into the grout lines from varying angles. The grout also needs a during time of 24 hours.

Step 6 – Seal the Floor

Allow the grout 24 hours to set before walking on it. Then wait a total of 72 hours before applying a high quality penetrating sealer to complete the project.
