Tuesday, June 16, 2020

How to Clean Mold and Mildew in the House From High Humidity

Mold and mildew in the home can grow into a serious health hazard if left untreated. These fungi thrive in bathrooms, laundry rooms or wherever heat and moisture mix. They can cause health issues for the home's inhabitants, especially people with allergies or respiratory problems. While combating mold and mildew is just a fact of life for people who live in humid climates, once you know how to clean and remove mold and mildew, you can address the problem at its source.

A Quick Clean
If furnishings and household items become damp or wet, you must clean them within in the first 24 to 48 hours. Waiting more than 48 hours promotes mold and mildew growth. Clean moldy surfaces using detergent and rinse thoroughly with water before allowing to dry completely. The sun's ultraviolet rays also kill mold spore, so allow items to dry outdoors when possible. You may need to throw out porous materials, such as some woods, ceiling tiles and fabrics when they have severe infestations. As you easily ingest or inhale mold and mildew spores during cleaning, take steps to limit your exposure. Wear gloves, goggles and a N95-rated face mask when working with mold and mildew. Select gloves made from polyurethane, natural rubber and other heavy duty materials to keep your hands protected

A Stronger Solution
For more challenging infestations, use a beach solution consisting of 1 cup of bleach and one gallon of water. A stiff-bristle brush effectively removes fungi growth from the hard surfaces found in tubs and showers. Refrain from mixing bleach with household cleaners containing ammonia as it produces harmful, toxic fumes. Avoid working in enclosed spaces; keep doors and windows open to encourage the circulation of fresh air. Do not use bleach for routine mold and mildew clean-ups -- reserve it for severe cases. Call in a professional mold remediation team for infestations larger than 10 square feet.

Carpets and Floors
Carpets offer an ideal environment for mold and mildew to thrive as moisture collects in the rug fibers and can lead to rampant growth. Frequently launder area or throw rugs to get rid of mold and prevent new growth. Immediately spot clean carpet stains and spills as they occur to prevent the moisture absorption. Blot dry after cleaning to remove excess dampness. Any leftover moisture from the cleaning process exacerbates mold and mildew growth.

Air It Out
Excess moisture combined with heat causes mildew and mold growth. Dealing with mold and mildew becomes an endless cycle of cleaning, unless you treat the problem at its source. Fix drafty windows and leaky pipes in bathrooms, basements and kitchens where moisture accumulates. Open up doors and windows to let in fresh air or ventilate the moisture by turning on exhaust fans in kitchen and bath areas. When temperatures climb -- or if you live in a particularly humid area -- use air conditioners and dehumidifiers to promote dry conditions. Vent clothes dryers to redirect moisture outside the home.

Source: HomeGuides.sfgate.com