Thursday, July 11, 2019

How to Clean an Outdoor Concrete Patio Floor After Winter Ends

A concrete patio floor is durable and hardwearing. However, it still needs to be properly maintained and cleaned. This is even more important when the winter months come to an end. At such a stage the concrete floor would have been exposed to extreme conditions including heavy rains, strong winds, frost and snow. These are some basic guidelines to follow in order to clean your patio floor well.

What you’ll need
  • Shovel
  • Straw push broom
  • Garden hose
  • Squeezer
  • Floor cleaning product
  • Ice-melt products
  • Grouting
  • Sealer

Step 1: Removing Ice and Snow

Ice and snow are common problems in most countries. There are various ways in which they can be removed. Ice-melt products are sometimes used, especially if there is a lot of snow and ice to eliminate. However, these products need to be used with caution. Once the snow melts through their effect, puddles will form. These can cause additional damage if not removed within a short period of time. Sometimes, simply shovelling snow away is the best option. Unfortunately, sand and grit tend to surface once the snow has melted. These need to be cleaned away too. The best way to do this is by sweeping them away on a routine basis until they have been greatly reduced.

Step 2: Removing Other Residues and Debris

Once the tough job of removing ice and snow is over you still have much to do. First of all, the sand and grit may have caused mud to develop in the process. Hence, you have to wash it off. It is best to use a garden hose to spray water directly on it. Once the mud has been sprayed away, dirty water will remain. Keep spraying fresh water while squeezing away the dirty water with a squeezer. Make sure to add a suitable cleaning product to reduce the tendency of dust from getting instigated. At this point, your patio will look partially clean.

Step 3: Sweeping Other Leftovers

Once the water has dried up you may notice that there are leftovers such as leaves, twigs, rocks and similar residuals. These easily get caught up in the process. Sweep these with a straw push broom. Then dispose of them by throwing them away in waste baskets.

Step 4: Inspect the Floor and Fill Any Cracks and Holes

Now that the floor has been cleaned up inspect it for any cracks and other damage that could have been caused. There may even be weeds sprouting from such cracks. Make sure to remove them immediately. Then, clean the cracks to remove any loose stones and other residuals. When done allow the patch to dry before proceeding. Use a grout mixture to fill the cracks and allow it to settle. Apply sealer for further protection.