Saturday, February 2, 2019

4 Cobblestone Flooring Installation Tips

If you want to improve the interior of your home with a stone floor, then why not select cobblestone flooring? This type of flooring gives a European feel to your kitchen or dining room, and can help to make the gap between the inside and outside of your home seem less wide. Cobblestone flooring is also more environmentally friendly than other types of flooring, as you can get reclaimed stone, or find some local stone which can be adapted to your floor. You could also use cobblestones designed for outside in order to ensure that your home improvement doesn’t cost too much. However you choose to find your cobblestones, using a few simple installation tips will help you to get the best from your installation.

1 – Purchase Good Stone

The first step when purchasing cobblestone flooring is to find the right kind of stone for your needs. Cobblestones are usually light-to-medium brown in color, slightly curved, and small enough not to stick out too far. Think of a chestnut-colored stone, round, about the size of a man’s fist. This should be a suitable type of cobblestone for your needs. Measure the room you want to lay the cobblestones in to get the right quantity, plus a small amount extra in case of mistakes. You should also ensure that the stone you purchase comes from a suitable location, and is not cracked or damaged in any way.

2 – Lay the Stones Out

Once your stones have arrived, lay them out on the floor where they will be installed. If you are removing any furniture or old flooring, do this before laying out the stones. Arrange your cobblestone flooring to a pattern that you like, and then take a concrete mix, and pour it around the cobblestones. Don’t allow the concrete to cover the stones, instead they should just poke out above the concrete. You need to have enough concrete to keep the stones firm, and create a suitable walking area, but not so much that it ruins the effect.

3 – Clean the Stones
Once the concrete has dried, go along the stones and remove any splashes of concrete, and any debris which has gathered on the surface of the stones. Give them a good sweep to get rid of dust, and then ensure that all of the holes are filled with caulk or mastic. Remove and replace any stones which have become cracked or damaged. Leave any of these changes to dry and then sweep the floor again.

4 – Add a Sealant

Once your cobblestone floor is set, you should add a sealant over the surface. This will help you to keep your cobblestones clean. Stone floor sealants can be purchased at any local home improvements store. Leave this sealant to dry, and then add a second coat. You should reapply this second coat regularly, using a wax or similar product which can just be placed on the floor and then polished to a shine.
