Monday, July 16, 2018

3 Things to do about Floor Joists that Cause Uneven Flooring

Floor joists play an important role in a building's foundation. But, due to a variety of reasons they may cause the floor to be uneven at certain places. Let us discuss what actions can be undertaken in order to avoid this, or when required solve such a problem.


It is important to bear in mind that wood will in time deteriorate due to wear and tear and moisture. So, it is important to primarily make sure that no water leaks or penetrates into the joists. Furthermore there should be an appropriate moisture barrier set in place.
Expansions and Contractions

Due to changes in temperature the wood will expand and contract. This will cause problems such as separation, crowning, cupping or buckling. These problems are common, and can be seen by edges being forced up or down. In turn, the floor will end up uneven in some places. In order to solve these problems the best thing to do is make sure that the temperature is rather level. A good way is to have a humidifier, and to regularly check any defects so as to take the necessary action. You should check for any sources of moisture or excessive dryness.

In order to keep the wood floor in its best condition and avoid unevenness problems, you should sand the floor to provide a smoother finish, especially in areas where there are splinters, lower areas or flaking finishes. Once you have finished sanding the floor, apply wood putty where required. When dry, apply a finish such as stain. Regularly check for similar defects so as to apply the necessary maintenance.