Thursday, April 14, 2016

Fill in Gaps Between Poorly Laid Vinyl Plank Flooring

Installing vinyl plank flooring can be an effective way of installing cheaper flooring while retaining the look and feel of a wood floor. However, putting in this flooring is an art form, and sometimes gaps can appear between poorly laid boards. If you have this problem, then you may be wondering what you can do, both to improve the look of your vinyl plank flooring and also to fill in gaps that can allow cold to enter from the subfloor.

Apply Epoxy

If you have fairly small gaps, then one solution would be to pour a water-proof epoxy resin into the gaps. Only a tiny amount should be needed for each gap, just enough to cover the surface and ensure that the holes are filled. Small gaps can also be filled in using a grout, by simply smearing this on, and then painting it the same shade as the vinyl flooring.

For Larger Holes

Larger holes may require more severe action, such as putting in small pieces of wood or plastic into the gaps, and sealing using a glue bond. If you have any spare vinyl left over from your flooring, cut this into the right shape, and then seal into place. You can also use varnished wood, which can be painted black to complete the wood floor effect.