Thursday, January 7, 2016

Remove Grout Sealer Stains

Grout is usually sealed using grout sealer so it won’t get stained or discolored, but sometimes the stain can seep into the tiles and get into places where it’s not supposed to be. If this happens, it’s hard to get it off. The stains will look either tacky or sticky, depending on if it is a fresh or old stain. Here is a method for getting off the old grout sealer that has stained the tiles.

What You'll Need
  • Sealer
  • Paintbrush (foam works best)
  • Lint-free cloth
  • Tile cleaner
  • Sealant stripper
  • Mask (if desired)

Step 1 – Put New Grout Sealer on Tile

Spread grout sealer onto the tiles. Grout sealer will blend into itself, so let it seep into the old grout sealer for about 60 minutes and then clean the tile off. Sealant has an unpleasant smell, so make sure the area is well ventilated. Wear a mask to protect yourself if desired.

Step 2 – Clean the Tiles

The tiles must be cleaned to get rid of any remaining grout sealer. After you have cleaned the tiles off, let them dry.

Step 3 – Put on Sealant Stripper

Spread the sealant stripper onto the tiles. Being careful to keep it off the grout joints or it will cause all the sealant to come off and you will have to seal the grout again.

Step 4 – Clean the Tiles

Rinse off the tiles using tepid water and clean them with the lint-free cloth. Make sure to get off any of the remaining stripper and grout sealer. Let the tiles dry and your job is complete.