Cleaning the Victorian Quarry Tiled Floor
You can see from the imagery above that the floor was in quite a state and it took a day to whole day to clean. The floor area was only around 6m2 but consumed two liters of Tile Doctor Remove & Go which is a very strong tiled floor stripper that will just about shift anything and a further 2 liters of Tile Doctor Pro-Clean getting it clean. Once that was done we watered it down to neutralize the floor and left it to dry so it could be sealed the next day.
Sealing the Victorian Quarry Tiled Floor
We returned the following day to seal the floor, for this we used four coats of Tile Doctor Seal and Go which gives a nice low sheen finish and is recommended for these types of floor, one liter of sealer was enough to do the job. You can see a huge development from the pictured which clearly show a stunning transformation.