Thursday, January 24, 2013

Removing Scratches from a Glass Door

A glass door, like windows, can receive a myriad of scratches over the course of its lifetime. Scratches can occur for many reasons, such as your dog scratching at the door when you leave, you moving furniture in or out, or just simply you bringing home groceries. Glass door scratches can not only cause a poor first impression but possibly lower resale value. A professional could charge you hundreds for several minutes of repair work, and the cost to replace the glass could be just as high. But you can remove superficial scratches yourself, and this article will show you how.

What you'll need
  • Whitening toothpaste
  • Buffer or buffing pad (lamb's wool)
  • Ammonia (2 oz.)
  • Water (2 qts.)
  • Rubber gloves
  • Protective eyewear
  • Face mask
  • Mild glass cleaner
  • Soft sponge
  • Lint-free paper towels
  • Extension cord (optional)

Step 1 - Clean the Glass

In order to properly remove scratches from a glass door, you should first give it a good cleaning. This will ensure that dirt and other small particles will not interfere with the process of removing the scratches. Only use a mild glass cleaner, as harsher ones can leave a residue behind that can also interfere with removing the scratches. Let the cleaner sit on the glass for a minute or two. Then wipe off with a lint-free paper towel or rag. Let the glass door dry before you continue.

Step 2 - Fill and Treat the Scratches

The first steps to removing scratches from glass doors can be time-consuming and a little tedious. You will be using your lamb's wool scrubbing pad and the whitening toothbrush.
Place the whitening toothpaste onto the scrubbing pad and begin rubbing it on the scratches. You can also use an electric buffer on medium speed. Regardless of the application, always use a circular motion when you apply the toothpaste. As you do this, you periodically want to wash away the toothpaste in order to check the progress of the scratch disappearing.

Step 3 - Wash the Glass Door with Ammonia

For this step, it is important that you maintain safety at all times. You will want to put on the protective glasses, the face mask and the rubber gloves. Measure out 2 oz. of ammonia in a measuring cup; then mix it with 2 qts. of water. Be careful not to breathe in the ammonia when you are working, even if you are wearing a face mask for protection.
Apply the ammonia water to the soft sponge and use it to wash the glass door. Use the lint-free towel to dry the glass. Check the scratches on the glass. If they are not completely gone, they should at least be less visible to your bare eye. If there is no marked improvement, the scratches in the glass door are most likely too deep to remove without the aid of a professional. If there is marked improvement, you may complete the previous steps once again until you achieve the result you desire.