Saturday, December 8, 2012

How to Repair Chips and Cracks in Limestone Floors

Limestone floors are a handsome and durable flooring choice. Although of considerable strength, limestone can still be subject to damages such as minor chips and cracks. If you notice such faults in your limestone flooring and you want to return it back to its former glory, you can undertake a DIY repair, saving yourself the cost of a professional

What you'll need
  • Brush 
  • Dustpan 
  • Epoxy resin 
  • Grout 
  • Masking tape 
  • Paintbrush 
  • Pieces of limestone 
  • Polish 
  • Putty knife 
  • Rags 
  • Scraper 
  • Sealant 
  • Water

Step 1 – Clearing the Area

Before getting down on your knees, remove all furniture and other home furnishings that might be on the repair area. This will allow you to have an unobstructed view of the entire floor area as well as prevent any damages that can be done on your valuable furniture.
Step 2 – Inspecting the Limestone Floor

The first task on the repair should always be the inspection of the floor area. Check it thoroughly to identify all cracks and dents and if there are many, mark them with masking tape.
Step 3 – Cleaning the Area

To make the repair more effective, clean the surface of your limestone floor as well. Make sure that it is spotlessly clean and devoid of obstructions. Sweep up any dust and debris. For stubborn grimes use a damp rag and some elbow grease, and wipe the floor thoroughly Wait until the floor dries naturally or you can wipe it dry with a rag if you are in a hurry.
Step 4 – Repairing Minor Damages

For chips and cracks that are very shallow and minor, you can make use of a mild polish that you can purchase from local hardware. Rub the product gently over the crack or chip so that you can have a smoother surface. Once you are satisfied with the result, wipe off the polish with a damp cloth and then brush on a sealant. This is to protect the repair that you have made. Alternatively, you can make use of grout that has been freshly mixed.
Step 5 – Repairing Deeper Faults

If there are deeper cracks or chips on the limestone that cannot be corrected through the previous step, you can make use of epoxy resin that has been mixed until its color is the same as that of your limestone floor. Apply the compound on cracks and chips with a putty knife. For deeper damages, you can make use of chips or slivers of limestone. Use the fragments to fill deeper cavities together with epoxy. Once you have the pieces secured, wipe off the excess glue. Allow complete drying before applying the sealant.