Wednesday, September 5, 2012

How to Remove Paint From Tile

By an eHow Contributor

It can be tough to remove paint from tile, especially if it's been there for a while. Whether you're trying to restore the tile to its original luster, or just trying to clean up after a sloppy paint job, there are a few things you can do to make the job easier.


Bring out the heavy chemicals. Most commercial paint removers are equipped to handle the job of removing paint from tiles; they work especially well if the tile is painted over completely. It may take a bit of time and money to get the job done, but this is a no-fail way to clean up those tiles the first time around.

Apply a little pressure. If you're just trying to clean up a few spots after painting the walls, use a putty knife or razor blade to scrape the offensive paint off the tile surface. Steel wool or abrasive pads will also work here. You need some patience for this to work properly, but it's much easier than going the chemical route.

Use a more natural product if the paint is fairly new. Begin by scrubbing the tile with soapy water and a rag, then rinse it clean. Follow up with a household cleaner like Goo Gone to remove fresh paint spills or spots.

Bring out the sander. This is a last-resort kind of option, but if nothing else works, carefully use an electric sander to remove just the top layer of paint.
