Mosaic tiles are a fantastic way to add character and flair to your bathroom tile design. These mosaics are comprised of smaller tiles arranged in a variety of patterns in 12 inch by 12 inch sheets. The size of the tiles can vary and the entire pattern is held together by a mesh backing.
The unique layout of mosaic tiles produces many grout lines, so grouting is an important step in achieving a clean look. Fortunately, all you need for a successful grout job is clean water, a clean sponge, a steady hand, and plenty of patience. The following will provide you some tips to help you grout your mosaic tiles.
What you'll need
- Bucket
- Grout float
- Tile sponge
- Latex gloves
- Squeegee
Step 1 –Mix the Grout
Properly mixing the grout is an important step that is often overlooked. There are two types of grout: sanded and un-sanded. Sanded grout is stronger than un-sanded grout and is recommended for tile floors. Un-sanded grout is commonly used for tile walls. Grout that has too much water is difficult to control and work into the grout lines. Grout with not enough water becomes thick and pasty and dries out quickly, making it difficult to remove. Make sure you don't mix all of the grout at once, since it will dry out in your bucket. Instead, mix smaller portions based on the size of the area you have to grout. Add the grout mix into a bucket an gradually mix in water until the grout is the consistency of cake batter. You can ether mix the grout by hand or use a special attachment that will fit on most drills.
Step 2 – Lay the Grout
Installing the grout for mosaic tiles requires a little more care and attention than grouting traditional tile. The layout of these tiles means there are numerous grout lines to fill, so spreading the grout evenly across the entire surface is important. Scoop out a portion of the grout using the rubber float. If the grout was properly mixed, it should hold to the wall. Next, turn the float on a 45° angle and use the edge to spread the grout over the tile. The grout can be worked into the lines using the edge of the float. When you’re finished, all that should be left on the wall is a thin file of grout residue. Let the grout sit for about 15 minutes before you begin wiping it down.
Step 3 –Wipe-Down the Tile
Wiping down the mosaic tile will require a bucket of clean water, a tile sponge, a squeegee, and some latex gloves. Fill the bucket with clean water and dip the sponge into the water, taking care to wring out the excess water. The sponge should be damp, not sopping wet. Carefully wipe down each of the lines making sure they’re even. Switch the side of the sponge after the first wipe and rinse the entire sponge after the second wipe. It’s important to remember to constantly clean the sponge and water to achieve the best results. After you’ve cleaned the grout lines and removed the excess grout, give the wall a once over to remove grout film.